Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kalpaki to Ioanina

Having arrived back in civilisation we decided that some R&R was in order. We therefore had short day cycling to the nearest campsite to relax and do the chores that had been building up over the last couple of weeks. The campsite was pleasant and by a lake and gave us time to contemplate the looming Greek mountains that are to come.


Total Distance Cycled : 4405m


Daily Distance Cycled : 35km

Ascent : 155m

Time Cycling : 2h 15

Journey Time : 3h

Average Speed : 15.5 km/h

Campsite : N 39°40'41.0"l E 20°50'33.8"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beware,be very ware of Greeks bearing anything that looks like a looming mountain. Gerry is on the loose from the BB house and looking for lurve!