Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Lopar to Rab Town

A short simple trip downthe island to Rab Town. We visited this lovely medieval town on our last trip to Croatia. On that occasion an almighty storm ran a river through our tent and floated boats out of the harbour onto the pavement. The weather appears more benign this time, but we are ready if there is a repeat performance. Searched out a restaurant we remembered from last time to enjoy their delicious seafood platter again.
Total Distance Cycled : 3586km
Daily Distance Cycled : 14km
Ascent : 108m
Time Cycling : 56min
Journey Time : 56min
Average Speed : 15.3 km/h
Campsite : N 44°45'09.1" E 14°46'26.5"


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Looks like you are dragging a little as it is now July 18 and the last update is this now from July 11.....does this mean you are relaxing on the boat for a few days?

No internet access I'm sure you have access - I want to know what has happened in the last 7 days...update please.

We spent the weekend in Upper Lake it was 95 Deg F and we sat by a pool and read our books and relaxed sometimes cooling off in the water. Just what the Dr ordered for 2 very busy people.

We are off to Point Reyes this weekend with friends on Sat to Sun. Most exciting we are going to see the new Harry Potter movies on Friday night.....they are 2 stories behind and the latest one comes out this Saturday!

love to you both

Anonymous said...

Where are you Slow travellers? No word for 2 weeks now - are we deserted by our commentators from across Europe?? With the flood water coming well over the top of our galoshes here in wet, wet, (very) wet Britain, we crave word from sun soaked southern europe ... where are you????????

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday monkey boy! Dont be getting too soft aboard the good ship "jolly" now cause its still along way to the black sea.... unless you sail!!!

Love to you both...

mk grump. :( x

Anonymous said...

Headline.....Tour de 'farce' as drug scandals put cycling in the shade..........

Headline........Britain swamped by unprecendented rainfall - disaster strikes in MK when floods hit car....

Headline.........Slow Travellers disappear off the radar no blogging since 11 July.......?

Anonymous said...

Bigger fish and all that